A Revolutionary Approach to Cancer Treatment

The Only Dendritic Cell Treatment that Creates Vetted Significant Killer T Cell Activity

The Immunocine Dendritic Cell Treatment (IDCT) protocol is the first to “Double Load” the patient’s Dendritic Cells with their extracted cancer cells. This simulates a viral-like infection and initiates specific T cells to seek and destroy the cancer cells throughout the patient’s body.

Using this completely new approach to Dendritic Cell Treatments, our treatment is able to not only generate a natural immune response, but one that is comprehensive enough to attack a patient’s cancer throughout their body. And unlike chemotherapy and radiation, our treatment only attacks your cancer cells. This natural approach minimizes side effects.

Key Resources

Backed by Peer-Reviewed Research

Since its discovery in 2006, the science behind the Immunocine Dendritic Cell Treatment (IDCT) protocol has undergone continual research.

All Patients Must Complete Evaluation

If you meet the baseline eligibility requirements, we will provide a complimentary medical evaluation to confirm our treatment is right for you.

3 Treatments, Each 2 Weeks Apart

During the treatment timeline, patients can either choose to stay in Cancun for all six weeks or visit twice for two weeks at a time.

We’re Here to Answer All your Questions

While every patient is unique, many have similar questions about our treatment. We’ve answered them, but do not hesitate to reach out directly.

Our Treatment is Unique to Each Patient and Has Worked Across a Variety of Cancer Types and Stages

Step 1: Cell Processing

The Immunocine Dendritic Cell Treatment (IDCT) protocol begins in our lab after we have collected a patient’s white blood cells and a sample of the tumor.


Using a variety of techniques, a patient’s Biopsied Cancer Cells are broken down into mRNA and Cancer Antigens specific to the cancer.


The cancer specific mRNA and proteins are then isolated and prepared for loading into a patient’s Dendritic Cells. As a note, there are no intact cancer cells after the cell processing!

Step 2: Dendritic Cell Loading

While still in the laboratory, the cancer specific mRNA and Antigens are presented to the patients Dendritic Cells internally and externally.


The cancer mRNA is loaded inside the Dendritic Cell, which provides important cancer “blueprint” information to the immune cell in much the same way as a virus would be primarily detected.


Total cancer antigens are loaded on the outside of the Dendritic Cell, allowing it to detect important target and mutational information needed to properly train the rest of the immune system.

Step 3: Dendritic Cell Activation

Once a Dendritic Cell detects matching cancer mRNA and mutated antigens, it knows that there is a cellular threat in need of elimination. This is similar to the removal of virally-infected cells, and a targeted immune response is underway.


The Dendritic Cell compares antigens simultaneously found on both “inside” and “outside” pathways, reacting powerfully and uniquely when a match is found. This phenomenon cannot be replicated by other methods.


The Dendritic Cell releases unique signals to nearby immune cells (e.g., NK cells, Killer T cells) that the body deploys to find, fight, and destroy an “infection” such as this. Since Immunocine uses the patient’s own cancer antigens to create this response, the immune system ramps up to specifically attack these same cancer cells throughout the body!


Our Dendritic Cell Treatment initiates a complete Immune Response against your cancer cells.

This top-down approach avoids the unspecific and ineffective targeting of other Immunotherapies.


Our Dendritic Cell Treatment does not introduce any foreign compounds or genetically modified cells into the body.

By using your body’s own cells, our treatment significantly reduces the risk of side effects.


Our Dendritic Cell Treatment fully activates the Immune System and therefore continues after patients have received their last treatment.

This Immunological Memory can make it much harder for the cancer to return.

A First in Dendritic Cell Treatments

Found throughout the body’s tissues, Dendritic Cells lie in wait for threats such as viruses, bacteria, parasites, and mutated cells. Once a Dendritic Cell is in contact with a threat, it will quickly migrate to the nearest lymph node to initiate an attack against the threat. 



Decker, W.K.et al. Th-1 polarization is regulated by dendritic-cell comparison of MHC class I and class II antigens. Blood 113, 4213-4223 (2009).

Once a Dendritic Cell activates the Killer T cells, the T cells release a compound called Interferon Gamma. The higher concentration of Interferon Gamma leads to a stronger immune attack, which generates a red spot in the laboratory.

A Complete Immune Response

Dendritic Cells have the natural ability to initiate an immune response. This natural ability eliminates the need for artificial medications or genetically modified cells.

Key to Natural Anti-Tumor Immunity

Dendritic Cells activate Natural Killer and Killer CD8 T cells, which are widely recognized as the major antitumor mechanism of the immune system. This natural ability allows Dendritic Cell Treatments to take advantage of existing immune system processes.

Target Multiple Cancer Mutations

Dendritic Cell Treatments can simultaneously attack multiple cancer markers and avoid the singular targeting issues of other immunotherapies.