Our team is comprised of some of the best and brightest medical and scientific minds in the US and Mexico.

Matthew Halpert, PhD
Jay Hartenbach, MEM
Luis Ferbeyre, MD
Chief Medical Officer, Oncologist
Susana Hernandez, MSc
Director of Cell Therapy
Alberto Ortiz, MD
Medical Advisor
Gregorio Viramontes, MD
Interventional Radiologist
Robyn Hofmann
Patient Coordinator
Nicole Verrico
Patient Coordinator
Francisco Zago, MD
General Physician
Elideth Angulo, MD
General Physician
Penny Daugherty, RN, MS, OCN, ONN-CG
Oncological Nurse
Chaitanya Kumar, MSc
Research Advisor
Rafael Gonzalez, PhD
Research Advisor
Nasha Winters, ND, FABNO
Integrative Advisor
Ben Azadi
Nutritional Advisor
Antonio Zamudio
Lab Manager
Rudy Lozano
Office Manager
Patricia Moore
Patient Liaison

We are here to help. Apply to see if you qualify for our treatment.

1) Apply to See If You Qualify

If you meet the minimum requirements outlined above and are interested in seeing how our treatment could work for your specific case, please submit your info on our submission form or call us directly at +1 (888) 575-2572.

2) Schedule an Intro Call

Our team loves discussing our treatment with potential patients. We will schedule an intro call to learn about your diagnosis and answer any questions that you may have. Prior to the call, we will share additional info for you to review with your family and physician as you see fit.

3) Undergo Medical Evaluation

After confirming your eligibility, our Medical Team will perform a complimentary medical evaluation. This includes a questionnaire and review of your medical records. Once complete, you can be approved for treatment and we can build a personalized treatment program for you.