
Team Spotlight: Dr. Francisco Zago, MD

Dr. Francisco Zago, MD, joined Immunocine in 2023 and is now the Patient Care Director, bringing a wealth of experience in Primary Care. With a strong background in Preventive and Occupational Medicine, he is certified in Regenerative Medicine and Cell Therapies, and adept in handling emergency situations. Known for his compassionate approach, Dr. Zago prioritizes warmth and high-quality care for his patients.

To get to know Dr. Zago more, we asked him about his journey in medicine, what inspires him to help patients and some local tips for Cancun. We hope this conversation gives you a deeper insight into the passion and expertise driving our mission to revolutionize cancer care.

Where are you from and what did you study?

I’m originally from the city of Puebla. It’s a beautiful place with incredible architecture, like the Great Pyramid of Cholula, and views of the Popocatépetl volcano.

I started my studies at the University of Ciudad Juarez in Chihuahua and then did further certifications at the Tlaxcala State University near Puebla.

What inspired you to join the medical field? 

I found my passion in medicine because I discovered how much positive influence I could have on peoples’ lives. all their medical needs.

Can you describe your role at Immunocine Cancer Center? 

I accompany and care for patients throughout their entire treatment process while they are in Cancun. This allows me to be attentive to all their medical needs.

What do you find most rewarding about your job? 

Each patient has a unique story and situation from which I can learn and help guide them throughout this difficult time in their life. We, as a team, give them strength, confidence and compassionate care.

What is your favorite place to hang out in Cancun?

Malecon Tajamar, which is a corridor next to the lagoon overlooking a very quiet part of the hotel zone. It’s a great place to exercise or just be at peace while enjoying the lagoon. 

What is your favorite restaurant in Cancun? 

Sanborns Cafe because it is suitable for any time of day and has magazines, books, sweets and quite a few other things to see or do when you go eat or get a drink.

What do you like to do in your free time? 

I enjoy reading, art, cinema and swimming.

What is your favorite book or movie and why? 

Life is Beautiful because it highlights that love and protection for those who need it is unconditional. No matter how adverse the circumstances may be, love can always overcome everything. My favorite book is called Aura by Carlos Fuentes.

How does the Immunocine Dendritic Cell Treatment (IDCT) protocol stand out in cancer care?

The most important thing is its double-loading technology. When generating this anti-cancer vaccine, we are training the immune system with both MHC class 1 and 2 antigens. There is no other cancer treatment in the world that has this ability to identify the threat to the body and attack it using the patient’s own immune system.

Can you share a memorable patient success story? 

We spend so much time getting to know each patient’s history and situation, so it’s hard to choose. But one patient actually wrote a book during the 6 weeks that he was in Cancun receiving treatment. Being with him while he both received treatment and wrote the book, hearing all the ups and downs of his story, was so impactful. He’s now in remission, so knowing that without this treatment he might not be with us is very special.

Each patient is so much more than their disease. They have families and friends and passions. So seeing patients like this who had the confidence to fight and is now living his life to the fullest with this wife and kids is so special. I value the gratitude of the patients who have trusted us.


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