The Immunocine Dendritic Cell Treatment (IDCT) Timeline

Three Separate Treatments, Each Two Weeks Apart

Since every patient receives a personalized treatment, our protocol is adjusted to suit their specific needs. With that said, all patients receive three separate treatments, each two weeks apart. During the treatment timeline, patients can either choose to stay in Cancun for all six weeks or visit twice for two weeks at a time. The timeline below is representative of what most patients can expect.

DAY 01
Arrival & Physician Welcome

After arriving in Cancún, a private driver will take you from the airport to wherever you are staying. Once settled, one of the Immunocine physicians will meet you at your lodging to introduce themselves and welcome you to Cancun. We will also take a few blood samples to establish your medical baseline prior to treatment.

DAY 03
Neupogen Administration

To boost your white blood cell count and prepare your Immune System for the IDCT, subcutaneous injections of Neupogen (G-SCF) will be administered, a natural cytokine found in your body. Baseline scans and immune analysis will also be performed.

DAY 05

To educate your Immune System, our team will need a sample of your tumor. Our Radiologist, Dr. Viramontes, will perform your biopsy at the Galenia Hospital.

DAY 07

To extract the Dendritic Cells that will be fighting your cancer, you will go through a process called Apheresis. The white blood cells obtained during Apheresis will ultimately be turned into Dendritic Cells.

DAY 08
Treatment Creation

Our team of Molecular Biologists will now start making your personalized treament in our state-of-the-art laboratory.

In this process, our team will break down your cancer cells to unique genetic markers. With these unique genetic markers, we will train your Dendritic Cells to recognize the cancer cells expressing these markers as dangerous cells that must be destroyed immediately.

DAY 15
First Dendritic Cell Treatment

Now that your treatment has been created, you are ready to receive your first Dendritic Cell Treatment. The treatment will be administered via an Ultrasound-Guided Injection near important lymph nodes. If applicable, microbubbling will also be employed to physically disrupt the tumor and enhance immunogenicity. This process is relatively quick and is completely outpatient. You will now wait two weeks until you receive your second injection. Many patients choose to return home during this waiting period, as the immune system ramp-up can occur anywhere.

DAY 29
Second Dendritic Cell Treatment

After two weeks, your Immune System will be ready for the second boost. This follows the same process as on Day 15, and is supported by pre- and post- analysis and consultations to ensure safety and appropriate activity. If applicable and similar to the first round, Pegylated Interferon-alpha can be synergistically included subcutaneously to enhance immune responsiveness.

DAY 43
Third Dendritic Cell Treatment

After two weeks, your Immune System will be ready for the final boost. Following the exact same process as before, we will perform the third administration. Final scans, bloodwork, and immune analysis will also be accomplished around this time.

DAY 01
Arrival & Physician Welcome

After arriving in Cancún, a private driver will take you from the airport to wherever you are staying. Once settled, one of the Immunocine physicians will meet you at your lodging to introduce themselves and welcome you to Cancun. We will also take a few blood samples to establish your medical baseline prior to treatment.

DAY 03
Neupogen Administration

To boost your white blood cell count and prepare your Immune System for the IDCT, subcutaneous injections of Neupogen (G-SCF) will be administered, a natural cytokine found in your body. Baseline scans and immune analysis will also be performed.

DAY 05

To educate your Immune System, our team will need a sample of your tumor. Our Radiologist, Dr. Viramontes, will perform your biopsy at the Galenia Hospital.

DAY 07

To extract the Dendritic Cells that will be fighting your cancer, you will go through a process called Apheresis. The white blood cells obtained during Apheresis will ultimately be turned into Dendritic Cells.

DAY 08
Treatment Creation

Our team of Molecular Biologists will now start making your personalized treament in our state-of-the-art laboratory.

In this process, our team will break down your cancer cells to unique genetic markers. With these unique genetic markers, we will train your Dendritic Cells to recognize the cancer cells expressing these markers as dangerous cells that must be destroyed immediately.

DAY 15
First Dendritic Cell Treatment

Now that your treatment has been created, you are ready to receive your first Dendritic Cell Treatment. The treatment will be administered via an Ultrasound-Guided Injection near important lymph nodes. If applicable, microbubbling will also be employed to physically disrupt the tumor and enhance immunogenicity. This process is relatively quick and is completely outpatient. You will now wait two weeks until you receive your second injection. Many patients choose to return home during this waiting period, as the immune system ramp-up can occur anywhere.

DAY 29
Second Dendritic Cell Treatment

After two weeks, your Immune System will be ready for the second boost. This follows the same process as on Day 15, and is supported by pre- and post- analysis and consultations to ensure safety and appropriate activity. If applicable and similar to the first round, Pegylated Interferon-alpha can be synergistically included subcutaneously to enhance immune responsiveness.

DAY 43
Third Dendritic Cell Treatment

After two weeks, your Immune System will be ready for the final boost. Following the exact same process as before, we will perform the third administration. Final scans, bloodwork, and immune analysis will also be accomplished around this time.

DAY 01
Arrival & Physician Welcome

After arriving in Cancún, a private driver will take you from the airport to wherever you are staying. Once settled, one of the Immunocine physicians will meet you at your lodging to introduce themselves and welcome you to Cancun. We will also take a few blood samples to establish your medical baseline prior to treatment.

DAY 03
Neupogen Administration

To boost your white blood cell count and prepare your Immune System for the IDCT, subcutaneous injections of Neupogen (G-SCF) will be administered, a natural cytokine found in your body. Baseline scans and immune analysis will also be performed.

DAY 05

To educate your Immune System, our team will need a sample of your tumor. Our Radiologist, Dr. Viramontes, will perform your biopsy at the Galenia Hospital.

DAY 07

To extract the Dendritic Cells that will be fighting your cancer, you will go through a process called Apheresis. The white blood cells obtained during Apheresis will ultimately be turned into Dendritic Cells.

DAY 08
Treatment Creation

Our team of Molecular Biologists will now start making your personalized treament in our state-of-the-art laboratory.

In this process, our team will break down your cancer cells to unique genetic markers. With these unique genetic markers, we will train your Dendritic Cells to recognize the cancer cells expressing these markers as dangerous cells that must be destroyed immediately.

DAY 15
First Dendritic Cell Treatment

Now that your treatment has been created, you are ready to receive your first Dendritic Cell Treatment. The treatment will be administered via an Ultrasound-Guided Injection near important lymph nodes. If applicable, microbubbling will also be employed to physically disrupt the tumor and enhance immunogenicity. This process is relatively quick and is completely outpatient. You will now wait two weeks until you receive your second injection. Many patients choose to return home during this waiting period, as the immune system ramp-up can occur anywhere.

DAY 29
Second Dendritic Cell Treatment

After two weeks, your Immune System will be ready for the second boost. This follows the same process as on Day 15, and is supported by pre- and post- analysis and consultations to ensure safety and appropriate activity. If applicable and similar to the first round, Pegylated Interferon-alpha can be synergistically included subcutaneously to enhance immune responsiveness.

DAY 43
Third Dendritic Cell Treatment

After two weeks, your Immune System will be ready for the final boost. Following the exact same process as before, we will perform the third administration. Final scans, bloodwork, and immune analysis will also be accomplished around this time.


Treatment Complete

The third and final Dendritic Cell Treatment marks the end of the ICDT. You will now have an active fight against the cancer in your body, meaning the treatment will continue long after you have gone home.

Shortly after completing your treatment, you will receive a Treatment Summary document outlining all testing and evaluations. Our team will continue to stay in touch with you and your physicians to monitor your progress and provide feedback until there is no more cancer to fight.